
Fantastic Tips To Keep Your Carpets Clean and Smelling Fresh

Keeping your carpets clean makes a huge difference to the enjoyment of living in your home. When your carpets are clean and fresh smelling, your entire home just takes on a much nicer feel. If you wear shoes in the house, it increases the amount of dirt and mess that gets tracked in. Keeping your carpets bright and fresh is also a healthier option since you're not tracking in germs with the dirt you are bringing into your home.
Keeping a home's carpet clean takes some work, but with these tips, it's much easier.

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Don't Wear Shoes in the House

Make it a habit to remove your shoes as soon as you come in the house, and encourage all visitors to do the same.

Add Carpet Protection  

Try adding a rug in an area of your home that gets a lot of foot traffic will help. Of course, the rug will still need regular cleaning, but deep-cleaning an area rug is a lot easier than deep-cleaning an entire room of carpet.  

Use Baking Soda Before You Vacuum   

If you sprinkle baking soda on your carpet and rugs before you vacuum will help keep your carpet smelling fresher for longer.

You don't just want your carpet to be clean, you want it to smell clean too.

Vacuum Regularly and Well  

Regular vacuuming is a simple way to keep your carpets cleaner for longer. You’ll see a difference in carpet cleanliness if you vacuum two to three times a week as opposed to once a month. Regular vacuuming picks up dirt and helps avoid having it ground into the carpet deeper. It's important to remove that top level of dirty before it has time to sink in. For effective vacuuming, we recommend that you go slowly since a quick pass won't necessarily pick up all the dirt.  

Replace Vacuum Filters and Bags Regularly

Keeping your vacuum in good working order will help keep your carpets cleaner for longer.  

Deep Clean Twice a Year

Nothing beats proper deep-cleaning when it comes to protecting your carpets and keeping them as clean as can be. Instead of waiting until your carpet looks dirty, make a twice-yearly note on your planner or calendar to give your carpets a proper deep clean. You can rent a carpet cleaner for the weekend if you want to do the job yourself, or call in a professional for the best possible results.

Keep an Emergency Kit

In case of accidents and spills, it's good to keep some items on hand so you can get to them sooner than later. Commercial carpet stain remover, Club soda is good for wine or beer spills, shaving cream is a simple home remedy that works for most carpet stains, ice cubes for chewing gum which helps freeze the gum making it easier to remove. 

Deal With Stains Immediately   

The longer a stain is allowed to set in, the harder it’ll be to get it out. Time is of the essence.


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