
Fast & Easy House Cleaning Tips

Here are just a few fast and easy ways to clean your house and keep it clean:

blackwater property management and realty home cleaning tips home rentals campbell county virginia


Clean Your Entire House and Not One Room At Time

Cleaning is way more efficient if you pick one job like dusting, vacuuming, or mopping and doing the same task in every room in the house, rather than cleaning the rooms one at a time. This method keeps you from feeling like you are in an endless cleaning circle and starting the same job over and over.

Get a Tool Caddy or Bucket For All Your Cleaning Tools

Keeping all your cleaning supplies and tools together makes it much easier and efficient.

Remove the Clutter

Go into each room and pick up the clutter before you start any cleaning task. Clutter has three categories, you either put it away, toss it in the trash, or donate it.

Dust and Vacuum

Start your dusting with the tops of furniture, handrails, picture frames, decorations and TV screens. Then change the sheets on the beds before you start to vacuum.

Clean Mirrors and Glass

Use one damp microfiber cloth followed by one dry cloth to clean all of your mirrors and glass surfaces.

Disinfect All Surfaces and Counter tops

Wipe down the hard surfaces like counter tops, appliances, cabinets, doorknobs, light switches, and TV remotes. Make a non-toxic disinfection solution by mixing one-fourth to a half cup of white vinegar with one cup of water.

Focus On Tubs, Sinks and Toilets

Spray cleaner on the kitchen sink, bathroom sinks, tubs and toilets. Let the spray sit for a few minutes so the cleaner has time to dissolve dirt and grime, then start scrubbing. Also, wipe down the inside of your microwave and clean toilets last. Cut up a half of a lemon and put into your garbage disposal and turn it on with cold water running. This will give it a nice scent while helping clean the inside of your disposal.

Sweep First, Mop Last

Sweep the kitchen and bathroom floors first, then start mopping from the farthest corner of the room and move backwards towards the doorway so that you don’t mop yourself into a corner. Rinse the mop frequently while you're mopping.

Routinely Wash Your Cleaning Tools

Part of cleaning your house is also maintaining your cleaning tools. Using a dirty mop or a vacuum with a full bag is less effective and you’ll end up spending more time when it's time to clean.

Clean the Bathtub the Easy Way

We have found that using Softscrub with Bleach is one of the best and easiest ways to clean a bathtub shower floor. Get a soft but stiff brush from almost any big-box store like Walmart or Lowes, and Softscrub with Bleach. It will clean the tub easily and disinfect it within minutes.

Here at Blackwater Property Management & Realty, we hope that these tips help you maintain a clean and healthy home. Over time you will discover that you can streamline your cleaning tasks and balance them at times that you have the most downtime and sooner than later you'll find that cleaning is easier and less time-consuming.


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